Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some one within another site where I write sometimes had the brilliance to comment with a quite uneducated remark and it went a little something like this:

Re: End of the Species
corporeal_v001 wrote:

Race (not species, they are from the same ancient mother as you, me and every human on the earth). Duh!

Well Duh indeed, but who was right? I started to laugh my ass of then decided that I might be of some help in this little thread. So here is how I replied to them both....

Re: End of the Species

louigedamion wrote:
Wednesday, 14 October 2009 at 03:17 am (UTC)

Well, I wouldn't be so fast to go full out with a "Duh!" on your part. See, race is not exactly correct either is it?
How many human races are there?
The answer is easy if you have studied at least some about the line within evolution. There is only ONE!
Human beings all belong to the same race... the human race.
If we were to talk about black, white, Chinese...etc. we would be talking about different ethnicities not races.

I know that anthropology can be a bit obscure for those who haven't been reading the basics but it goes a little something like this. there are regional biological shallow differences caused by regional environmental pressures on creatures living in symbiosis with it.

And there are of course Genetic differences, these are observed between humans at both the individual and the population level.
There may be multiple variants of any given gene in the human population (alleles), leading to polymorphisms.
Many genes are not polymorphic, meaning that only a single allele is present in the population: that allele is then said to be fixed.
We all now know that no two humans are genetically identical, even mono-zygotic twins, who develop from a single zygote, have infrequent genetic differences due to mutations occurring during development and gene copy number variation has been observed but that is a minor type of mutation leading only to our individual uniqueness and to some degree, our population alikeness due to close bonding and genetic pooling within close circle.

So, people in west Sahara got to develop darker skin pigmentation because of the sun and heat to survive it. People in all of northern Mongolia, Russia over the Bering like Greenland and Inuits in Alaska and so on have the same bone structure and slit eye lids because of the cold and the almost constant snow white brightness under which they live in.

Sure, there are differences but none is so vast that there have been any mutation created these last hundred of thousands of years to develop a new "Race".

The Race Question is a UNESCO statement issued on 18 July 1950 following World War II. The statement included both a scientific debunking of race theories and a moral condemnation of racism.
It suggested in particular to "drop the term 'race' altogether and speak of "ethnic groups."Signed by some of the leading researchers of the time, in the field of psychology, biology, cultural anthropology and ethnology.

It questioned the foundations of scientific racist theories which had become very popular at the turn of the 20th century, alongside eugenics.These racist theories had been a main influence of the Nazi racial policies and eugenics programme.

Today most scientists have argued that race definitions are imprecise, arbitrary, derived from custom, have many exceptions, have many gradations, and that the numbers of "races" delineated vary according to the culture making "the racial distinctions";
thus they reject the notion that any definition of "race pertaining to humans" can have taxonomic rigour and validity.

What could rather be correct is to call it for what it is, "Human genetic variation".

Human Genetic Variation is the genetic diversity of humans and represents the total amount of genetic characteristics observed within the human species. Note those two words, "Human Species".
See, our race/Species has but one name. And that is HOMO SAPIENS.

Humans are bipedal primates belonging to the species Homo sapiens, Latin for "wise man" or "knowing man" and believe it or not, we line up from the Hominidae family, or as some right wing conservatives hate to hear it being stated, the great ape family.

And there you have it, One name for one "Race" - Homo Sapiens is said name, and both you and I and all other walking on two legs with a somewhat well functioning brain enabled to do wonders or the total opposite to good deeds, we still do, all of us, belong to that same "Race".

Or have you or anyone else seen a white man with black legs, blue feet and pink nose and tail running around sniffing the air out with pointy ears and ogling through peoples windows with luminescent blue eyes? if so please contact me because I would then be the next Nobel Prize winner within this field. ROFLMAO!

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